
Your Divorce, The Courts And Covid.

Take Charge of Your Divorce Resolution with Divorce Mediation!

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Your Divorce Case, Courts, and COVID Pandemic

You face countless questions as you try to move your divorce mediation forward towards resolution.

Is your county court even open? Is it safe to go out with COVID?

How delayed is your court case going to be? Emergency hearings are still being heard quickly. Divorce cases who knows?

An answer to these questions is SB Mediation Center: an affordable online mediation via Zoom available throughout Colorado. As Colorado courts reopen during COVID, they are experiencing historic delays and backlogs. The courts and the parties continue to struggle as they try to adhere to changing public health guidelines.

A two-month delay before COVID can now easily be a four, even an eight-month delay. To be frank, it is uncertain. And that’s assuming future waves of COVID doesn’t close the courts again. The courts must slowly reopen with lighter docket scheduling than before COVID to allow for social distancing between parties. Meanwhile, you have important issues to straighten out either at home, with work, or in life in general! The upheaval has been unprecedented, we can help with all of it.

SB Mediation Center has been helping to alleviate the heavy court caseloads and to provide disputing parties going through a divorce with an option to work through the issues without the delays and personal and business costs of waiting for resolution in court. Developed by the award-winning divorce mediator Scott B. Methling after years of helping families resolve their differences. He provides online mediation—a conversation between the parties facilitated by a neutral third party to reach a settlement outside of court.

Sessions are 4 hours or less (typically 2), take place in a safe, COVID compliant, virtual environment, and can be scheduled quickly once all parties agree to mediate. Even better, costs are low $75 an hour per party, 2 hour minimum (plus an additional small deposit.) What’s more, a case does NOT have to be filed in court first. Agree, then file it with the court.

Who really wants to go to court? Mediation through SB Mediation Center is a great alternative to resolving your divorce. When you contact SB Mediation Center and choose our firm, you control the outcome and begin the path to a successful resolution. Schedule a consultation at a reduced rate $100 for the 1 hour (refundable if moving forward with our firm) or jump right in to the mediation process. Getting you closer to resolution with SB Mediation Center.

Remember, as always, we need both parties involved from the beginning and throughout the process.

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Find Out How We Can Help

Our experience based on years of training, hard work, and passion, as well as familiarity with divorce, dividing up the marital estate and child custody/supervised parenting time issues. You’ll find all that and more at SB Mediation Center.

Please have contact information for all parties before contacting us.